
I received this text message from a freind in Montreal, it read

“I just exited crew Cafe and saw the most serious police/swat team/private security/ private Black SUV & Lincoln town car entourage making their way to the World Trade Center.  Apparently Bono of U2, bill Gates and *Justin Trudeau are all attending an event at the World Trade Center.  Your neighbourhood is pretty interesting tonight”

My reply was “sounds like our crew ride from the airport to the Nobu hotel in Manila lol”

We arrived in the Philippines yesterday and were escorted right from the plane to customs and at baggage claim 2 assistance and 2 body guards waiting for us. We all loaded one of the ‘serious’ looking black Burban SUVs that drove up to us. When we entered car the seat covers looked like the *Marshmallow Man dipped in black and were extremely comfortable, this made us laugh. The rest of the interior looked like the inside of a jet.  I looked out all the windows and couldn’t believe how fast the sun had set it was pitch black. I  blurted out to the crew “wow it gets pitch dark early hear”. Most of the crew laughed at me and Aron (LD) said “the windows are tinted Jen!”. I few minutes later Tiago (PM) who was sitting in the far back  clearly didn’t hear me, blurted out the same comment  about how dark it was. In didnt feel so retarded at that point.  At that time what I did feel was pretty safe because I realized this must be the bullet proof car I noted on our *rider.  Once we merged into the famously know Manila traffic jam we kept hearing from behind our vehicle a particularly loud siren noise that was turning on and off.  This was seemingly good because from what I could see this was squishing us through the traffic as we were zipping ahead of everyone to make way for the vehicle with the sirens.  I also noticed that our driver was well experiences and maneuvered through the traffic like a bully.

After about 5 minutes twe made sense to what was really happening. It was our two vehicles with the sirens we were the ones the traffic was making way for.

*Justin Trudeau is the young handsome Prime Minister of Canada

*A rider is a list of request that artist travel sends ahead of time to productions.

*Marshmallowman is a character from an 80’s movie called Ghost Busters